Fish Exclusion and Removal

The Watershed Company is a natural resources consulting firm that specializes in fish exclusion and relocation services to accommodate in-water construction.  The Watershed Company has staff available on flexible schedules to assist contractors and local jurisdictions with fish exclusion/relocation for in-water projects during prescribed fish windows. 

The Watershed Company has two Certified Fisheries Biologists on staff, two backpack electrofishing units, an assortment of seine, block, and dip nets, plus a team of ten staff who are all trained and ready to deploy.  We have performed fish exclusion and removal over many parts of Washington State including King, Snohomish, Mason, Kitsap, Thurston, and Lewis Counties.


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Electrofishing 101

Summer and early fall are one of the busiest times for fishing at The Watershed Company. In this blog, senior fisheries biologist Greg Johnston explains how we help contractors meet project permit requirements and safely remove fish from construction areas.



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