Understanding the Environment, Accounting for Regulations
The Watershed Company scientists use the latest scientific methods to assess wetlands, streams, wildlife, fish, and trees. We can provide accurate documentation for permit approval and help design innovative, functional, and attractive mitigation and restoration plans that augment the property and ecological functions, and meet regulatory requirements, from permit submittal through construction.
The Watershed Company also leads the field in non-traditional methods of mitigation, including mitigation banking, in-lieu fee programs, and restoration credits.
Our Assessment and Mitigation Services Include:
Wetland and Stream Delineation/Documentation
Renaissance studies
Delineation studies and reports
Critical Areas Code compliance reports
Buffer modifications and averaging plans
Wetland and Stream Impact Permitting
401/404 Clean Water Act Compliance (JARPA, Ecology pre-filling request, etc.)
BA/BE studies for ESA compliance
Impact and mitigation needs assessment
Mitigation and landscape restoration plans/planting plans
Mitigation Bank Use Plans
Stream Bank Full Width and Ordinary High Water Mark Delineation
WDFW Water Crossing Guidelines Compliance for culverts and bridges
Are you a new homebuyer?
Check out our homebuyer’s guide to critical areas before you buy or build the home of your dreams.
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What's the difference between a wetland reconnaissance and a wetland delineation?
It's a frequent question among property owners of all types. Katy Crandall, ecologist and arborist with The Watershed Company, explains the difference.
Online inventory maps, like King County iMap and Snohomish County’s PDS Map Portal, are a useful resource for learning about your property’s critical areas—to a point. In this blog, Sam Payne, ecologist at The Watershed Company, explains how inventory maps fit into the planning process.