mercer island tree inventory and
infrastructure assessment
City of Mercer Island
Mercer Island, Washington
The Watershed Company provided the City of Mercer Island with a comprehensive street tree inventory. Urban foresters from The Watershed Company inventoried City-owned street trees within the defined sections of the Town Center and Island Crest Way. Watershed’s team collected attributes including tree location, species, size, general condition, and its impact on surrounding infrastructure. They collaborated with the City by adding collected attributes to pre-existing City geospatial data layers. The City’s downtown street tree conditions and impacts were compiled into a report summarizing study findings, highlighting areas to prioritize reconstruction, and recommending methods, technology, and tree species to improve the function and resiliency of future reconstruction projects.
Services Provided
ISA Certified Arborist field evaluation and inventory
Geospatial mapping from orthoimagery
Extrapolating and analyzing remote-sensing data
Urban forest planning
Street tree analysis